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No matter whether you're a scuba newbie or a trainer, all divers should be 'dive ready' by carrying a few spares for fixing 'ill-timed' gear malfunctions.
This save-a-dive kit list is the essential guide for making a scuba diving spare parts box to keep you geared up and diving - even when disaster strikes!
In scuba, if a piece of equipment is going to break, tear, or completely fall apart, it usually happens right before the dive.
Thus, your scuba diving equipment is not immune to the adage known as Murphy's Law.
Here's the thing:
It's very easy to assemble a small box of spare parts and backup gear.
Then, you become more self reliant and you will be able to fix many of the common equipment problems that would normally end the dive.
Pro Tip: Remember, the general wear and tear of dive gear can cause problems before, during, or after the diving has finished. Hence, regular scuba gear maintenance is important to help reduce equipment failure.
A blown O-ring on the tank valve assembly, or a dead battery on the dive computer, can be very costly if it means you can't go diving.
It's a cheap and easy task to replace them, and it only takes a few minutes. But, you won't be able to handle these simple gear and equipment glitches unless you have prepared for it.
Where to start?
You should always take proper care of the scuba gear. But, here's a checklist of essential items that all recreational divers should be putting inside a save-a-dive kit:
Specialist or technical divers with more experience, such as those who dive with Type R rebreathers or sidemounts, will need some extra tools to be dive ready, such as:
Pro Tip: It is important to build a save-a-dive kit based on your particular style of diving (e.g. a beginner, seasoned pro) and the local conditions.